Chargers & Power Supplies

UBI-2590 chargers can be military or industrial grade

  • Multi-bay chargers are housed in rugged and easily transportable cases, useful for applications that need to transport batteries between buildings.
  • For devices that stay in the same location, or where a multi-bay charger would take up too much space, there are also single-bay smart chargers available.
  • Alternatively, ULTRALIFE's range of high speed chargers allow you to get your batteries back into use quickly.

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Cables & Accessories

Cables, adapters, and connectors

  • ULTRALIFE produce a limited number of cables off-the-shelf but have the ability to provide custom cable solutions when custom batteries and systems development work is provided.
  • Power adapters can be used to connect the batteries to USB ports, cigarette lighter sockets, or HP laptops for charging.
  • Panel mount connectors are also available.

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